SMAS has been a proud NASA Space Place Partner since 2004. In 2018, Space Place transferred its articles division. SMAS will continue to publish NASA's space and Earth science articles, now located on our Night Sky Network page.

The articles from 2004 through 2018 were provided by NASA Space Place, and SMAS thanks them for their great support of our outreach programs throughout the years. With articles, activities, crafts, games, and lesson plans, NASA Space Place encourages everyone to get excited about science and technology. Visit to explore space and Earth science!

SMAS was honored by NASA Space Place for its outstanding community outreach programs.

The Space Place Articles are pdf files.

Current Articles:

(Dateline: December 2018) Observe Apollo 8’s Lunar Milestones - A NASA Night Sky Network Article

(Dateline: November 2018) November’s Dance of the Planets - A NASA Night Sky Network Article

(Dateline: October 2018) Observe the Moon

(Dateline: September 2018) A Trip Through the Milky Way

(Dateline: August 2018) The Best Meteor Shower of the Year

(Dateline: July 2018) A Close-Up View of Mars

There was no article in June 2018.

(Dateline: May 2018) What Is the Asteroid Belt?

(Dateline: April 2018) What’s It Like Inside Mars?

(Dateline: March 2018) Measuring the Movement of Water on Earth

(Dateline: February 2018) What Is the Ionosphere?

(Dateline: January 2018) Sixty Years of Observing Our Earth

Last Updated: 2/17/19